When you decide to get married in the Catholic Church. You make a serious and sacred commitment to a way of Christian life. The journey you are about to begin is more than an event, it is a sacrament, a sign of your union together founded upon the love of Christ. It is a sign to the world of the sacred and permanent relationship into which God has called the two of you. It requires serious discernment, prayer, and preparation. On behalf of our parish community we rejoice with you on your engagement! We invite you to contact our office at least 6 months prior to your wedding date to start the preparation process to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony in our parish.
We also invite all couples who are only married civilly to consider having your marriage blessed in the Church. We celebrate a communal wedding in February of each year to bless these marriages. Having your marriage blessed in the Church opens the door for the reception of Holy Communion. For more information please contact our wedding coordinators.
Our parish must be contacted at least six months prior to the date that you have chosen for your wedding.
Nativity Church celebrates weddings on Saturdays. Our schedule permits weddings at 10 a.m., 12 noon, and 2 p.m.. A parish priest will be assigned to officiate the wedding—(an exception to this rule would be the case of a priest who is a relative or close friend of the bride or groom). To avoid conflict, no reservation should be made with the reception venue until the Church wedding date & time is set. Our parish also offers a communal wedding in February for couples who are civilly married or in a common law union.
The church is the house of God. Thus,
Flowers are not provided. The couple may choose to bring in their own flower arrangement for the altar area. In accordance with the spirit of lent, no flowers are allowed during this season.
BEFORE: Pictures may be taken on the ground outside of the church.
DURING: Picture may be taken (from outside the sanctuary) any time during the ceremony as long as you do not disturb the solemnity of the sacrament. Flash photography is not permitted except during the entrance, recessional procession & flower offering to Mary. If is the responsibility of the wedding couple to communicate these guidelines to the photographer & guests.
AFTER: Limited pictures will be allowed in the church depending on the time of the next service.
Only stationary videography is allowed.
Only approved liturgical music is allowed during the ceremony. All music and songs must be approved prior to the wedding day by our Music Coordinator. Wedding fees DO NOT include Music. The separate music fee is $220 which includes the musician and cantor. This must be paid at least a month before the wedding. In addition to the parish musicians, the couple may hire a Mariachi but they are allowed to play only during the entrance and recessional procession, as well as the flower offering to Mary.
Music Coordinator: John Gonzalez: 626-533-3191.
Bows or flower arrangements for the pews can be attached only with rubber bands or string. NO FORM OF TAPE, NAILS, OR STAPLES ARE PERMITTED. If there is a Mass YOU MAY NOT drape ribbon from pew to pew. Otherwise you would be blocking access to people that wish to receive communion or need to exit the building at any time during the service. It will be your responsibility for removing any bows, ribbons, or flower arrangements immediately after the ceremony.
****Our parish will not be responsible for any equipment, material, or personal item left in the church.
Some circumstances require special steps to assist a couple in preparing for marriage in the Church. If any of these special circumstances exist, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot be married in the Church. It does mean that an honest discussion of these circumstances is called for.
Please share with the priest any of the following special circumstances:
Affidavit of freedom to marry (2 witnesses each)
License can be obtained at:
12400 E. Imperial Hwy
4736 E. Cesar Chavez Ave.
222 W. Hospitality Ln.
Non-parishioners are required to present a letter from their parish granting permission to celebrate their ceremony at Nativity. 50% deposit must be paid when the date is scheduled and confirmed in our Church Calendar. This deposit is non-refundable. The balance, as well as the music stipend and the wedding coordinator’s fee must be paid at least a month prior to wedding date. There will be no refunds for any cancellation within one month of the wedding.
Non Parishioner Registered Parishioner
Church offering $595 $495
Music $230 $230
Coordinator $125 $125
Our parish is blessed to have three wonderful coordinators that will help you prepare during this important time. Our wedding coordinators will assist you in your marriage preparation, rehearsal, and wedding ceremony. They will meet with you and your witnesses during the preparation period to answer questions, gather the required documents, and talk about the sacrament and the ceremony. They are here to help you and answer any questions you may have about the liturgical celebration in our parish.
There is a separate $125 fee for their service to be paid at the time of church reservation.
Wedding coordinators
Patti Villalva (626)277-9774 (English/Spanish)
Helen Tran (626)476-5533 (Vietnamese/English)
Congratulations on your engagement! We rejoice with you as you prepare to enter the Sacrament of Marriage and embark on this great vocation of love and service.
Aside from the documents that you need to provide, all couples are required to attend a marriage preparation seminar or retreat. With these seminars we strive to provide you with the knowledge, skill, and formation that you need to have a happy, holy and lifelong marriage.
Our couples are asked to attend a weekend Retreat sponsored by the Catholic Engaged Encounter, or a one day Marriage Preparation Seminar, sponsored by the Office for Marriage and Family Life of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Different seminars are provided for first time marriages, for couples previously married, or living together, and for couples with children from previous marriages. A certificate is presented to the couple at the end of the seminar or retreat. This certificate must be given to our Wedding Coordinator.
One day seminar information can be obtained with your Wedding Coordinator.
For information on upcoming Weekend Retreats visit: